{4th of July in January!}

{4th of July in January!}
If you talk to any creative type, they’ll tell you that they have tons of unfinished, half-started, well-intentioned projects lying around their house.  Well, I’m no different.  Case in point…my wedding day scrapbook.  I was married for about 8 years and have been divorced for over 2.  While I don’t forsee myself finishing THAT project (ha-ha!), I have the itch to finish a lot of others! 

As us homebodies do, we like to hibernate in the winter inside our little caves.  I’ve got plenty of time to craft now that the cold, cold winter is settled in.  So, I pulled out this project that I’ve had half finished since last summer.  One of the Craft Night projects at my sister’s house was making wreaths out of patterned paper cupcake liners.  

Mine was a take on “stars and stripes”.  I couldn’t find starry ones so polka dots would have to do.  Well, I underestimated how many liners I’d need so I had to quit early.  Since I ordered them online, it wasn’t like I could run to Michael’s or AC Moore to grab more.  They do, however have a nice selection there, so if you’re interested in doing this project, they’d be a great resource.  Months later, even after I ordered more, they just sat in their package on my craft table.  When I finally finished the wreath portion, it sat un-decorated for yet more months!! 
Finally, this past weekend, I went in my craft closet to find something and there it was….staring at me…mocking me.  “You’ll never finish me.”  So I grabbed it, plugged in my hot glue gun, and dug into my vintage button and ribbon collection.  One nasty hot glue gun burn later, here you have it! 
As Always, Stay Cozy!

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