Clean, clean, clean!

I know it’s not spring yet, but my house just underwent a Spring Cleaning yesterday. I decided to spoil myself and hire a cleaning service, which is a true luxury in my book. I know, I feel like a lazy bum because I’m a stay at home mom right now and technically HAVE the time to clean my house but who the heck WANTS to do that?? Besides I get a lot of back pain as a result of heavy cleaning so I’ll just blame it on that! 🙂 Anyway, they are located in South Jersey and are called Pure Clean. They use only natural cleaning products and no paper products. Yes, that’s right…NO CHEMICALS or wasteful paper use! They are one of only two natural cleaning companies I could find in the region. My house is sparkling clean now and smells so good. They even left a little vase of flowers and some mints on my pillow. Call me a dork but I love the feeling of knowing there’s no dust bunnies hiding under the bench in my hallway or on top of my ceiling fan blades. A clean house makes my soul feel clean, if that makes any sense! Again, dork, I know. They really are very affordable too. For my 4 bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bath home with kitchen, living room, family room, and dining room, the initial deep clean only cost me a little over $200.


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