{A Little Halloween Tale}

Meet Weena…Weena Spookington. She’s a good little witch who loves baking gingersnap cookies on a crisp sunny October day. She’s wearing her trusty apron because she doesn’t want to get her pretty dress covered in flour. You see, tonight is the Harvest Moon Ball, and her longtime crush, Franky, is going to be there. They met at last year’s Ball, but each was with another. Alas…timing is everything. Over the year, Franky and Weena bumped into each other on numerous occasions; the caldron shop on Elm, the dog park where she takes her dog Weenie to play. Franky was always such a gentleman to her. After each encounter with Franky she would go home and daydream about him. She would sometimes practice writing her future name in big swirly cursive…”Weena Stein…….Halloweena Stein…….Mrs. Frankfurter Stein“.
After realizing her crush on Franky went much deeper, Weena finally came to her senses about her current boyfriend. Afterall, who wants a boyfriend that has to carry his head around all the time? He could never hold her hand. So, she severed ties with him. Last Weena heard, he was dating a girl who had no arms (hence, no hands to hold), so it looks like it’ll work out between them. Weena hoped Franky would notice that she was available and dump his girlfriend but weeks went by with no luck.


With the coming of the full moon, Ms. Weena Spookington’s luck is beginning to change! Recently, while at the local potions emporium, she overheard two witches gossiping about Franky’s girlfriend having an unfortunate broom accident. And on the eve before the Harvest Moon Ball! Apparently the hem of her robes got caught on a weathervain. You can guess what happened. Weena tried hard not to feel delighted at the news but she just couldn’t help herself. Now with Franky being date-less, and Weena being totally in-love-with-him-but-he-doesn’t-know-it-yet, the planets were finally moving into alignment. Weena flew home on her striped broomstick as fast as she could, avoiding all weathervains of course, and got herself all dolled up for the dance. She’s a joiner, you know, so she’s a member of the decorating committee. She made this banner out of scraps of fabric and found objects she had lying around her house. As soon as her gingersnaps are done cooling, she’ll throw off her apron, freshen up her lipgloss and head to the dance where she’ll tell Franky exactly how she feels.


You can own Weena Spookington! Come see her in my Etsy shop!

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