A Very Good Day

Have you recently had one of those days where everything in the world seems just right…you’re happy, you feel good, and the sun is shining? Sounds like a cheesy song, but the other day was just one of those days. It was such a nice day that I decided to use my brand new retractable clothesline. I know, what kind of dork gets excited over a clothesline? Me. Not only was it the first time I was able to use it, it was the first time I got to hang my son’s cloth diapers out to dry! They looked so adorable all lined up in a row that I just had to take a picture of it. I plan on doing that a lot more often. The sun helps with disinfecting and makes them bright white. After I did that, I left the baby with hubby and ran out to Sears to pick out my new glasses. I’ve had the same pair for years and while I wanted to keep the same look, I needed a little change. They should be ready for pick up in about a week. I am so excited!

I stopped by to visit my sister for a few minutes and she told me about a guy down the street that had a huge pile of dug up hostas on his curb. He apparently was throwing them away! She spotted them on her walk and came back later to take some. I love hostas and have the majority of my back garden lined with them. They are a great shade plant. Anyway, I drove down and asked him if I could take some and he said, “Sure, my wife hates them.” One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! I loaded up a bunch and have been filling in empty spots along the boarder of my garden the past couple of days. This saved me a lot of time because I had planned on splitting the ones I have and transplanting them.
I’ve also been spicing up my front porch, making it cozy and welcoming. I have an old vintage iron sofa and two white rocking chairs. I made two cushions for the rocking chairs out of vintage fabric and two old bed pillows I was about to throw away. I just opened them up and threw out a third of the stuffing and then inserted them into the zippered cushion covers that I made. I planted pansies in the baskets along the railing and also in nine little clay pots that I displayed on a vintage-looking plant stand. I hung a wreath on my door that has faux lavender colored flowers and some greenery around it and I found a cute little “Welcome” sign at Lowes. I’d like to get a custom sign made that reads “Bolis Family established 2001”. There is an Etsy seller that makes them so I think I might be contacting her soon! Well, here’s to YOUR storybook day. I hope you have one today. 🙂

1 Comment

  1. I loved this post BECAUSE …. I am 54 and I WANT A CLOTHESLINE !
    I never had one . I bought one of those umbrella looking ones , now I just have to find someone to put it in the ground .
    I want to do little things around the house [ like make pillows ] and ……….
    I love your crazy sister !!!!

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