I remember how excited I used to get when September rolled around and my mother would let us pick out new clothes from the JC Penney catalog. I remember plaid…
"reunion - the state or condition of having been brought together again." Reunion is a powerful word. It means that two things...or people...were once together. Something happened and they became separated for…
Visit my sister's blog, The Vintage Sister Studio, to read about yesterday's treasure hunting! We picked up so many great new items for our vintage shops at Shupps Grove in…
I'm excited for tommorow. I'm getting away for a day of "junking" with my favorite picking buddy. My sister. I love my sister. She is my best friend. My favorite…
Hello, my name is Amanda.....and I am a homebody. {here's where you all say, "Hello, Amanda!"} {humbleBea} Homebody. A Wee Gnome. I love coming home....from anywhere. Even vacation. I love turning the…
I remember reading a quote by actress Meg Ryan a very long time ago. When asked by an interviewer what she would and wouldn't change about her appearance she said she'd like longer…
With the crisp cool weather of Autmn just around the corner, I feel myself looking forward to warm homemade apple pie, pumpkin and apple picking, and seeing the leaves change…
Last spring, my sister, the artist, inspired me to make these little Artist's Pouches and they ended up selling out! This year, I'm offering these exclusively to The Vintage Sister's…