{Cloth Diaper Laundering}

MANDY B.’SCLOTH DIAPER LAUNDERINGCHEAT SHEET 2.0I wrote the first version of these instructions for my friend Genevieve and have since revised it, thinking I might post it online to the…

{Blogs, Blogs, and more Blogs!}

This week, I've had the high honor of being featured in two, yes, TWO other blogs written by fellow Etsy sellers! To me, this is such a huge compliment and…

{Life’s Guilty Pleasures}

Here are a few of my "guilty pleasures"...for dinner last night I had peanut butter and jelly crackers and a glass of ice cold milk. Not exactly the healthiest of…

Featured Artist…Mara May!

I'll have to admit that I'm not an avid blogger, like my sister. Months will pass without a post on my poor neglected blog. However, I do love the opportunity…

{Hey There Shorty}

Yeah, I'm talking to you. I called you short. Okay, let me be PC...vertically challenged. Are you walking around wearing jeans or pants that you hemmed yourself? And are you…

{A Little Halloween Tale}

********************************** *****Meet Weena...Weena Spookington. She's a good little witch who loves baking gingersnap cookies on a crisp sunny October day. She's wearing her trusty apron because she doesn't want to…

{Haunted House}

Could this happy little ghost really be haunting this adorable little cottage? Nah, he's too cute for all that scary stuff. He just likes to keep an eye on things,…

{Books, books, and more books}

Hello friends! I love vintage books. I love the smell of the pages and I love their dusty covers. I'll buy a book just for it's pretty cover or subject…