MANDY B.’SCLOTH DIAPER LAUNDERINGCHEAT SHEET 2.0I wrote the first version of these instructions for my friend Genevieve and have since revised it, thinking I might post it online to the…
This week, I've had the high honor of being featured in two, yes, TWO other blogs written by fellow Etsy sellers! To me, this is such a huge compliment and…
Here are a few of my "guilty pleasures"...for dinner last night I had peanut butter and jelly crackers and a glass of ice cold milk. Not exactly the healthiest of…
I'll have to admit that I'm not an avid blogger, like my sister. Months will pass without a post on my poor neglected blog. However, I do love the opportunity…
Yeah, I'm talking to you. I called you short. Okay, let me be PC...vertically challenged. Are you walking around wearing jeans or pants that you hemmed yourself? And are you…
********************************** *****Meet Weena...Weena Spookington. She's a good little witch who loves baking gingersnap cookies on a crisp sunny October day. She's wearing her trusty apron because she doesn't want to…
Could this happy little ghost really be haunting this adorable little cottage? Nah, he's too cute for all that scary stuff. He just likes to keep an eye on things,…
Hello friends! I love vintage books. I love the smell of the pages and I love their dusty covers. I'll buy a book just for it's pretty cover or subject…