Family & Creativity

Good morning…actually, it’s just after noon but it still feels like morning. I’m still in my PJs. We had a sleep over with my two nephews last night and their mom just picked them up. We had fun dressing up with Mr. Potato Head pieces. Cooper is down for a nap so I logged on for a quick blog entry.

I’ve been in a super creative mood lately and there are just so many ideas flying through my brain. I want to make so many things and there is just so little time in a day! I decided to re-organize a portion of my workspace recently, which has helped to spark some inspiration. There’s something about seeing my ribbon all in a row that makes me feel good. I moved my cork board from it’s old spot and hung it right over my ironing board so I’d be more likely to hang things from it. It’s now my “inspriation board”. Then I hung a favorite print of my sister’s next to it. On the other side, closest to my cutting table, I hung a cool wrought iron planter box decoration I picked up at JoAnn Fabrics. It works well to hold my baby food and mason jars full of push pins, cutting tools, and various other things. Then, my favorite part of the re-org was hanging an old white shelf that I got at a yard sale YEARS ago. I wanted to hang it in a baby’s room but when Coop came around, it didn’t go with the theme really. I screwed two old curtain rod brackets to the bottom shelf so that I could hang all of my ribbon. They used to be in a shoe box all crowded and cramped and unorganized. Now they are in plain sight and I will be able to use them more easily. Lastly, I hung my thread spool holders on the wall instead of them taking up space on the table. Now I have more room to spread projects out while I’m sewing. That, my friends is my workspace upgrade. Ta-daaaaa!

1 Comment

  1. I love some of what you have set up…teh way you have your ribbon and thread handy and the fact that you have an iroing board near by…mine is upstairs from my craft space. Of course, I get a little more exercise that way. Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back anytime.

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