How to Make a Nature Shadowbox

How to Make a Nature Shadowbox

What to do with all your treasures Does your family collect little bits of nature during each of your vacations? If you're anything like mine, we always seem to come…
How to Make DIY Poo Spray

How to Make DIY Poo Spray

Do you have a bathroom right off the kitchen like I do? Do you entertain guests a lot? Do you live in a house with stinky teen boys and men…
{I Heart You}

{I Heart You}

One of my Craft Night companions, Pat, came up with a brilliantly crafty idea. She took a previous project, mentioned in the last post, and gave it a little Valentine's…
{4th of July in January!}

{4th of July in January!}

If you talk to any creative type, they'll tell you that they have tons of unfinished, half-started, well-intentioned projects lying around their house.  Well, I'm no different.  Case in wedding day…

Featured Artist…Mara May!

I'll have to admit that I'm not an avid blogger, like my sister. Months will pass without a post on my poor neglected blog. However, I do love the opportunity…

{Hey There Shorty}

Yeah, I'm talking to you. I called you short. Okay, let me be PC...vertically challenged. Are you walking around wearing jeans or pants that you hemmed yourself? And are you…

{Welcome Fall}

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted since Memorial Day! That goes to show you that I've been kind of busy the past few months. I went back to work…

My Latest Project…

I've been sick with some kind of 48 hour bug the past two days, but luckily that has passed and I'm feeling great now! Here are some pictures of my…

Family & Creativity

Good morning...actually, it's just after noon but it still feels like morning. I'm still in my PJs. We had a sleep over with my two nephews last night and their…