If you talk to any creative type, they'll tell you that they have tons of unfinished, half-started, well-intentioned projects lying around their house. Well, I'm no different. Case in point...my wedding day…
What's better than a warm batch of homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies? If you even bother answering anything other than "Nothing.", remove yourself from this blog immediately! All kidding aside, I'd…
Hello, my name is Amanda.....and I am a homebody. {here's where you all say, "Hello, Amanda!"} {humbleBea} Homebody. A Wee Gnome. I love coming home....from anywhere. Even vacation. I love turning the…
Last spring, my sister, the artist, inspired me to make these little Artist's Pouches and they ended up selling out! This year, I'm offering these exclusively to The Vintage Sister's…
Could this happy little ghost really be haunting this adorable little cottage? Nah, he's too cute for all that scary stuff. He just likes to keep an eye on things,…