
There once was a little fish named Swimmy who stuck out like a sore thumb. You see, he was all black and his friends were all red. One day a…

Eco Tip of the Week

At the suggestion of my sister, here is my eco-tip of the week! Instead of using paper towels to clean up around the house, why not buy some microfiber cloths…

Pocket Full of Mosey

Jes Mosey of mosey.etsy.com has been tagged! Check out her blog to read five random things about her. While you're at it, browse her etsy shop for things like hats…

I Was Tagged!

I was tagged by my lovely sister Tracy from The Vintage Sister Studio...so here are 5 random, and unknown facts about me:1. Similarly to my sister, I sleep with a…

Little Birdies….

I recently loaded up my birdfeeder. From my second story studio window I can see the birds perched on the tree branches right above the feeder. They keep going up…

Valentine’s Day SALE

Just to let everyone know, I'm having a Valentine's Day sale in my Etsy shop. Click on the Valentine's Day category (right hand side) and each item there has FREE…


Welcome to my blog! I created this blog so that I could share a little bit more about myself and my ongoing projects with my customers on Etsy.com and my…