I’ve been pretty successful these past couple of weeks so I wanted to share it with you all! It looks like my Artist’s Pouches are a hit! My sister bought one…yes she said she’s going to pay for it even though I told her not to. Kim from
Running on Ink ordered five more to give to her artist friends as gifts. Thanks Kim! On the mandy b. baby front, I sold two of my adorable
Kimono & Handbag Sets, another
Custom Onesie with the phrase “Does This Cloth Diaper Make My Butt Look Fat?”, and a Custom baby blanket. I’m going to make Cooper some of those onesies in a couple different colors. I also came up with a new phrase for my onesies: “My Mom’s A Tree Hugger”. That one will

definitely be made for Cooper, for sure! Oh, and for some reason, that’s my new thing…I keep saying “for sure.” My husband seems to think it’s from watching The Wire. One of the main characters, who “got got” at the end of the season, said it all the time. Apparently, I want to be a gangsta corner boy from East Baltimore….FO SHO!!
hee! This is so funny. My hubby accuses me of picking up potty slang from that same show and other HBO masterpieces:)
On another note,
thanks for this weeks eco tip. Also, congrats on those pouches!
Rikkianne, Haha! That’s so funny you do that too. Good thing the Sopranos is over! 🙂 Never have I learned so much about the drug trafficing world! Are we in the wrong biz? 😉 Just kidding…Drugs are BAD!!
HA!!! I am going to be giggling all day:) Who knew HBO was so educational???
Congrats on your sales…..FO SHO!!!
nice work, thanks for the comments. I know you can buy a4 sheets of sticker paper, just google it! Have a great day